
Judaism: Practice and Belief, 63 BCE–66 CE is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this now-classic work, E. P. Sanders argues against prevailing views regarding the Judaism of the Second Temple period, for example, that the Pharisees dominated Jewish Palestine or that the Mishnah offers a description of general practice. In contrast, Sanders carefully shows that what was important was the “common Judaism” of the people with their observances of regular practices and the...

Judaism in the period of our study was dynamic and diverse. Our first task is to understand the context in which various individuals and groups came to different views about how best to be Jewish. In Palestine, the topic spans everything from private behaviour to the Jewish state, and in the Diaspora it includes private and group behaviour. We shall not cover every possible point with equal thoroughness, and on many topics, especially socio-political questions, we shall concentrate on Palestine.
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